Monday, February 24, 2025

April 2011 Message from Guildmaster

April 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

The HCH annual meeting at Fort Roberdeau was the largest attended in the history of the Guild.  The table displays from attending members were outstanding and also included an original horn engraved by the hand of The Pointed Tree Carver.

The meeting was held Friday morning and opened with the presentation of a blowing horn to the Guild by Roland Cadle.  The horn will be used by the Guildmaster to call meetings to order.  Following the presentation there was a moment of silence for recently passed members, Terry Missant, Joe Ruggiero and James Guy along with prayer and the citation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

This year in lieu of presentations, we had Master Horner Benches set-up where they presented most all phases of horn work. This was a big hit; how often can you just ask the best what you want to know? In addition to the interactive Master Horner Benches, Freeman Fred Noesner demonstrated his method to build a powder horn- by feel, as Nosener is blind. Dick Toone was there with his spring pole lathe; it almost ready to turn a horn.

The hot lunches provided by the Fort Roberdeau staff were excellent, and the wine and cheese reception at Village Restorations was above and beyond expectations.  Pam Raub and her staff did a fabulous job putting it together and they deserve our gratitude.

Our annual meeting was not without recognition for those deserving it. The horn competition was one of the most intense in years.  Among the winners was John Proud, who won best of show with an outstanding powder horn.  At the banquet on Saturday evening, Tom Ames was presented with the Guild’s most prestigious award, The Lanthorn Award.  Mr. Ames spoke without notes and from the heart; he showed all attending why he received the award.

Congratulations are in order for Sparks Mumma on his advancement from Freeman to Journeyman.

Steve Pancoe was the lucky winner of the Commemorative powder horn engraved by Mark Preston and Wild Willy Frankfort won this year’s raffle prize.  Oh, and by the way Willy; we promise not to tell your sons that you won.

Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

PS: Enjoy a few pictures from our annual meeting below.

Journeyman Tim Sanner displays his Horn Work.

For a Good Tine call John Proud.

Jeff Bibb (right) speaks with a visitor.

Erv Tschanz, Master Horner and Bill Carter, Journeyman


One Response to “April 2011 Message from Guildmaster”
  1. Dean Freund says:

    The recent annual meeting was exceptional. My thanks as a guild member as well as my personal thanks to Roland Cadle, Art DeCamp and their “crew” for their “above and beyond” effort. They made it look like they starting their planning the day after the meeting in Roscoe Village last year. As I understand it they only had about seven weeks to “snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.”
    Defeat?! Not even close!

    The tables were outstanding and the people behind them even more so! I hope this growing “small organization” never outgrows its passion for sharing. My personal experience strongly suggests that the “touch mark” for this group should be “WE SHARE!”

    Dean Freund

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