Sunday, December 22, 2024

April 2012 Message from the Guildmaster

April 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Greetings to all:

We are shocked and very saddened to learn about the  sudden passing of our good friend, and guild secretary, Phil Cravener. I know that Phil touched many of our lives with his constant smile, his un-ending warmth and humor, and his immense talent as an artisan. Our sympathies extend to all of his family and friends. He will be missed at our gatherings.

With an early spring well upon us, it is once again time to contemplate our annual treks, rendezvous, re-enactments, shows and shoots. Last weekend, I saw several guild members at the Southern Long Rifle Show in Williamsburg, Virginia. While not a large show, many collectors, and fans of early American crafts and art were in attendance. Many outstanding  original (and modern) guns, horns and accoutrements were on display for viewing and for purchase.

In addition to his fine display table of banded, ringed, and screw tip horns, Tim Crosby brought along a portable workbench, a number of hand tools, and capably demonstrated the traditional horn maker’s craft for the entire show. His bench attracted a lot of attention from the attendees.

A large part of the mission of our guild is education. Each year I participate in two local historical events in the central Virginia area. At each, I make it a point to have as many representative pieces of early colonial life as possible on my table. I usually spend the better part of both events talking with folks (and their children) about early American life and the articles that were used in daily life. The level of interest is truly astounding. Since so little is currently taught in our schools about this topic, both children and adults are very interested in “how folks used to live”. They often express a desire to learn more and  explore making something of their own as a future project.

I would like to encourage ALL of our members to make an effort this year, and in the future, to make this type of education a goal for your own participation in the events you attend. Maybe you can demonstrate a horn working skill at a show or event. Perhaps you can demonstrate something for a local school. At your next long rifle show, ask if you can demonstrate at your table. It isn’t hard to do, and the results are usually fantastic. Keep a few HCH membership cards on hand and give them out to interested participants.

Every year at Dixon’s, part of a table-holder’s responsibility is to offer a demonstration of some type of historical craft or art. Chuck Dixon has incorporated this theme every year, and I think the results speak for themselves.  Education should be a goal for all of us. Without it, our art and craft will completely disappear at some point in the future.

As always, I look forward to hearing from you  with your thoughts, comments, suggestions, and feedback.


Jeff Bibb
Guildmaster, HCH

Guess To Whom These Hands Belong.

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