Friday, March 7, 2025

Our Guildmaster Talks about The Gunmakers Fair at Kempton (JULY 26, 27, & 28, 2024) The HCH Summer Reception.

Dear HCH Members,

Summer is quickly approaching, and with it The Gunmakers Fair at Kempton and our Annual Summer Reception. Both events promise to be full of fun and fellowship that I’m sure you will not want to miss. If you have been an HCH member for a while you probably know all the details, but if you are new to our organization, let me enlighten you.

The Gunmakers Fair is held at the Kempton Fairgrounds in Kempton, Pennsylvania and features historical demonstrators, seminars, gunmaking, horn work, artisans, and of course vendors. A highlight of the Fair for many is the gunmaking and accouterment judging. The Gunmakers Fair is still growing, and as the HCH is one of the four sponsoring organizations, I would love to see a large turnout from our membership at the event. Volunteers are needed, so if you can spare some time over the three days, please let John Dewald or myself know ASAP!

Friday evening at the Fair we will hold our Summer Reception. Please reserve your spots as soon as practical. We need all reservations by the 10th of July. Last year we had a great time and the food was delicious! Our group only formally meets twice a year, and I always find it enjoyable to see everyone at the reception and have a chance to catch up. There will also be a fundraising event over the weekend. Tickets for the raffle will be available for purchase at the HCH tent and on line.

If you can make it, I look forward to seeing you there.

Register for the HCH Summer Reception and more information here. <Click Here>

Download Raffle Tickets here. >Click Here<

Enjoy your summer,
Clinton E. Byers
HCH Guildmaster

Message from the Guildmaster – Your New Guildmaster Clinton Byers

As the first day of spring arrives, I am taking a moment to reflect on my new role as Guildmaster and the series of events that led me to this point. About fifteen years ago, I was casually surfing the internet looking for some inspiration for my budding powder-horn making hobby, when I stumbled across this website At the time, there was a place where you could ask a question about horn working; and so, I did. A week went by and a Guild member, by the name of Billy Griner, answered me. This simple act started an email conversation. A few months later, Billy invited me to come down to MESDA (The Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts) in Winston-Salem, NC. It seemed this guy, Jay Hopkins, was going to be there with a collection of original powder horns and Billy thought I might find it interesting. He wasn’t wrong.

At that event, I met Billy for the first time, along with Jeff Bibb, Bill Carter, Rick Sheets, and several other members of the Honourable Company of Horners. I instantly felt welcomed and truly enjoyed the day. The experience prompted me to join the HCH. As 2013 approached, Billy reached out again encouraging me to attend the upcoming Annual Guild Meeting in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He said it was an event like no other, and I wouldn’t want to miss it. I wasn’t sure Kerry and I could afford it that year, but I told her I want to attend just once to see what all the hype was about; she agreed. It’s hard to believe I have attended every Annual Meeting/Horn Fair since.

It’s truly hard to put into words all that I’ve gotten back over the years being a member of the HCH. Beyond simple inspiration and horn working knowledge, I’ve seen some amazing collections. I’ve been introduced to horn items I never imagined existed. I’ve seen amazing creativity and a love of history connected to this craft. Most importantly though, I’ve met people and found friends, mentors, brothers, sisters;folks who have truly become like family to me.

One such individual is Brett Davis. Brett and I first met at the Annual Meeting just before the pandemic. Brett’s big smile and good humor are contagious and you can’t help but like being around him. He is also a talented horn worker who recently advanced to the rank of Journeyman. I know the dedication Brett has to his craft and to the Guild,so I am very happy to announce that he will be assuming the role of Guildmaster Elect and eventually as Guildmaster. I am truly grateful to have his support and council moving forward.

As I move into my new role within the guild, there is some anxiety which comes from a fear of letting folks down. That feeling is offset though by the encouragement from, and confidence in, the people around me. Our membership is truly our greatest asset.  I’m reminded of the children’s story of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon; two friends, who go on a great journey together. When Big Panda ask which is more important the journey or the destination. Tiny Dragon answers neither,it is the company we keep along the way. I am not sure what the next year holds for this Guild. I am not sure what challenges we might face along the way or what great accomplishment we might make, but I do know one thing; I am traveling in good company; this Honourable Company of Horners.

Clinton E. Byers ~HCH Guildmaster