Tuesday, March 4, 2025


The Literature of Powder Horns and Horn Working: A Bibliography


Borglund, Erland and Flauensgaard, Jacob. Working in Plastic, Bone, Amber, and Horn. New York: Reinhold, 1968.

Bowman, Henry. Building a Queen Anne Flask. Middleton, OH, Self-published,  2023.

Byerly, Robert D. Making Powder Horns. Fletcher, OH, Self-published,  1994.

Byerly, Robert D. Making Powder Horns II. Fletcher, OH, Self-published,  1996.

Christiansen, Erwin O. The Index of American Design. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian, 1959.

DeCamp, Arthur J. Pennsylvania Horns of the Trade” Screw-tip Powder Horns and Their Architecture. The Kentucky Rifle Foundation, 2011.

Dresslar, Jim. The Engraved Powder Horn: Folk Art of Early America. Bargersville, IN: Dresslar Pub., 1996.

DuMont, John S. American Engraved Powder Horns of the Golden Age: 1755-83. Canaan, NH: Phoenix, 1978.

Dunnigan, Brian L. Siege 1759: The Campaign Against Niagara. Youngstown, NY: Old Fort Niagara, 1996.

Engnath, Bob. The Second Scrimshaw Connection. Glendale, CA: House of Muzzleloading, 1985.

Frankfort, William ‘Wild Willy”, The Artificer: A Horner’s Sketchbook – An Illustrated Guide for Creating Powder Horns and Horn Ware Proper for the 18th Century Re-enactor, Builder and Collector. Smoke & Fire News, 2002.

Frankfort, William ‘Wild Willy”, A Compendium of Verses. Self-published, 2009.

Grancsay, Stephen V. American Engraved Powder Horns. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1946.

Grant, Madison. Powder Horns and Their Architecture. York, PA: Maple-Vail, 1987.

Grant, Madison. The Kentucky Rifle Hunting Pouch. York: PA, Maple Press, 1977.

Grinslade, Tom. Powderhorns Documents of History. Scurlock Publising, 2009.

Guthman, William. Drums Abeating, Trumpets Sounding: Artistically Carved Powder Horns in the Provincial Manner: 1746-1781. Hartford, CN: Conn. Hist. Soc., 1993.

Guthman, William H. Guns and Other Arms. New York: Mayflower, 1979.

Hardwick, Paula. Discovering Horn. Guilford, Surry, Engl.: Lutterworth Press, 1981.

Houze, Herbert G. The Sumptuous Flaske. Cody, WY: Mobray, 1989.

Hopkins, Jay. Bone Tipped and Banded Horns Regional Characteristics of Professionally Made Powder Horns. The Honourable Company of Horners, 2016.

Larkin, Lee A. A Sketchbook of Colonial and Early American Powder Horn Engraving Designs: 1740-1800. Bedford, PA: Larkin, 2001.

Larkin, Lee A. A Case for Mistake Attribution: Or, Findings of a Study of the Engraving on the Powder Horns Attributed to John Bush. Bedford, PA: Larkin, 2001.

McManus, Michael. A Treasury of American Scrimshaw. New York: Penguin, 1997.

Neumann, George C. and Kravic, Frank J. Collectors Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Revolution. Texarkana, TX: Rebel, 1989.

Sibley, Scott and Kathy. Reproducing the Engraved Powder Horn. Montana: Track of the Wolf, 2005.

Stevens, Jim. Advanced Scrimshaw Techniques. Atglen, PA, Schiffer Books, 2008.

Stevens, Jim. Scrimshaw Techniques. Atglen, PA. Schiffer Books, 2008.

Stevens, Jim. Powder Horns: Fabrication & Decoration. Atglen, PA. Schiffer Books, 2010.

Stotz. Charles M. Outposts of the War for Empire. Pittsburgh, PA: U of Pittsburgh P, 2005.

Swayze, Nathan L. Engraved Powder Horns. Yazoo City, MS: Taylor, 1978.

Thomas, R. Small Scale Horn Processing. Geneva: International Labor Office, 1988.

Tunis, Edwin. Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP,1965.

Wickman, Patricia. Powder Horns: In the Southern Tradition. USA: Boyd, 1985.

Young, Russ, Editor. The Hartley Horn Drawings: A Collection of Powder Horn Drawings by Robert M. Hartley. The Honourable Company of Horners, 2010.


Cadle, Roland. “Adventures with Jack Horner”, Muzzle Blasts (March 1999), 53-55.

Chapin, Howard M. and Cook, Charles D. “Map Horns.” The Magazine Antiques (May 1925), 254-59.

DuMont, John S. “Powder Horns and History.” The Magazine Antiques (July 1963), 60-62.

Fox, Chrostopher D. “The Representations of Fort Ticonderoga on 18th Century Powder Horns.” The Bulletin of the Ticonderoga Museum. (XVI, 2), 170-84.

Gallien, Shelby. “An Important Tansel Powder Horn Comes Home to Indiana.” Muzzle Blasts (November 2001), 4-9.

Gallien, Shelby. “Early Tansel Powder Horns from Kentucky (Part I).” Muzzle Blasts (November 2006), 4-10.

Gallien, Shelby. “Early Tansel Powder Horns from Kentucky (Part II).” Muzzle Blasts (December 2006), 4-12.

Gallien, Shelby. “Tansel Powder Horns from Ohio.” Muzzle Blasts (March 1999), 65-68.

Gallien, Shelby “Indiana’s Folk Artist in Horn.” The Gun Report (Feb. 2000), 16-32.

Gallien, Shelby “The Tansel Horns of Fort Meigs.” The Gun Report (Feb. 2002), 16-28.

Gallien, Shelby. “The Tansel Powder Horn.” Muzzle Blasts (January 1998), 7-11.

Goodwin, John and Duer, Douglas H. “Two American Horns.” The Gun Report (Jan.1968), 28-31.

Guthman, William H. “Diversity: The Rule Rather Than the Exception” Kentucky Rifle Assn. Bulletin (Winter 2001), 2-9.

“Powder Horns Carved in the Provincial Manner: 1744-1781.” The Magazine Antiques (Oct 1993), 494-501.

“Powder Horns of the French and Indian War: 1755-1763.” The Magazine Antiques (Aug 1978), 312-31.

“Some Final Thoughts.” Kentucky Rifle Assn. Bulletin (Fall 2003), 4-5.

Jordan, Chester A. “Powder Horn Recalls Bicentennial History.” The Gun Report (Nov.1975), 12-19.

Kasun, John. “In Praise of Horn.” Westsylvania (Spring 2004) 24-28.

LaMana, Bernadette. “Hooked on Horn.” New York State Conservationist (Oct. 2004), 25-29.

Larkin, Lee A. “John Bush: French and Indian War Horn Carver.” Muzzle Blasts (July 1999), 4-6.

“Left-Hand Vs. Right-Hand: Evidence of Wear on Original Powder Horns.” Muzzleloader Magazine (Mar/Apr 2002), 65-68.

“A Reply to Guthman’s Diversity: the Rule.” Kentucky Rifle Assn. Bulletin (Spring 2003), 2-9.

Lyon, Robert T. “A Military Map Powder Horn of the Siege of Quebec.” The Gun Report (Apr 1976), 12-15.

Milliman, Crosby. “An Exhibition of American Powder Horns of the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods.” The Bulletin of the Ticonderoga Museum (XII, 3), 174-92.

Moize, Elizabeth A. “Daniel Boone: First Hero of the Frontier.” National Geographic (Dec 1985) 812-41.

Sawyer, Charles W. “The Why and How of Engraved Powder Horns.” The Magazine Antiques (Oct 1929), 283-85.

Shepley, George L. “A Powder Horn of the Revolution.” Old Time New England (July 1921), 24-26.

Swayze, Nathan L. “Unsuccessful Research on a Powder Horn.” The Gun Report (June 1971), 30-35.

Museum and Auction Catalogs:

Bonham and Butterfields. The William H. Guthman Collection, Part II: Militaria and Americana. Portsmouth, NH / The Frank Jones Center. January 1, 2006.

Christies London. Antique Arms and Armour: Including Property from the W. Keith Neal and Albert Littler Collections. London: Christies. 2002.

Hood, Mary. Art of the American Frontier. Owensburg, KY: Museum of Fine Art, 2004.

Routh, James E. His Horne Made: Engraved Powder Horns from the Collection of James Routh, Jr. Atlanta: GA: GA Museum of Art, 2000.

Sothebys. Highly Important Americana from the Stanley Paul Sax Collection. New York: Sothebys, 1998.

Stephenson, R. S. Clash of Empires: The British, French and Indian War, 1754- 1763. Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh Regional History Center, 2005.