Saturday, February 22, 2025

From your Guildmaster. End of 2024, Time to Renew. Altoona Annual Meeting/Horn Fair on the Horizon.

November 26, 2024 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

As the air turns crisp and the fall color disappears here in the southern Appalachians, I’m reminded that the holiday season is just around the corner. For many of us, this is a busy time of year. A time full of shopping, social and family events, and stress. My wish for each of you is that you are able to slow down, enjoy it, and spend this time with those you love. The greatest gift we have to give is our time. Spend yours with those you truly care about and cherish those that choose to spend theirs with you. Once your time is gone, you can never get it back.

Speaking of time, just a little reminder, that as the year expires, so does your HCH membership. All HCH memberships run January 1 to December 31. Memberships can be renewed here on the HCH website. In fact, an HCH Membership would be an excellent gift for someone you know this holiday season. You can help grow our organization and foster someone’s passion for horn work all at the same time. While renewing your membership, you can also become a Horn Book sponsor, register for a table and the banquet at the 2025 Annual Meeting/Horn Fair in Altoona, PA, as well as, purchase tickets for this year’s Horn Fair Raffle Items donated by Master Collector Glenn Bealle. March will be here before you know it.

I hope many of you are working on your Guildmaster’s Challenge project. Details can be found on page 19 of the most recent Horn Book (Fall 2024 issue), but just to recap, the challenge is to create a “simple powder horn that has a voice.” By simple, I mean an everyday, any man’s (or woman’s), farm house, hand-carved, no turned or applied elements, no scrimshaw or engraving (other than a discrete maker’s mark), no stepped throat, no engrailing simple powder horn. Just a horn, a hand-shaped base plug, and a hand-carved spout. Members of all levels Freeman, Journeyman, and Master are welcome to participate. Kerry is weaving a special strap that will be given as the prize for the horn that “speaks the clearest.”

Master Horners are also being asked to bring an item they have completed in the past 12 months for a special display. This is not a competition, but a chance to showcase some recent work by Master Horners of the HCH. Remember, we require all advancing members to attend at least one Annual Meeting before going for advancement, and this is one of the reasons they come. So Master Horners, if you haven’t made anything new in a while, dust off your workbench and get busy.

With that I’ll say goodbye and wish you the best. Be safe and happy this holiday season. I look forward to seeing you soon my friends.


Clinton E. Byers


Our Guildmaster Talks about The Gunmakers Fair at Kempton (JULY 26, 27, & 28, 2024) The HCH Summer Reception.

Dear HCH Members,

Summer is quickly approaching, and with it The Gunmakers Fair at Kempton and our Annual Summer Reception. Both events promise to be full of fun and fellowship that I’m sure you will not want to miss. If you have been an HCH member for a while you probably know all the details, but if you are new to our organization, let me enlighten you.

The Gunmakers Fair is held at the Kempton Fairgrounds in Kempton, Pennsylvania and features historical demonstrators, seminars, gunmaking, horn work, artisans, and of course vendors. A highlight of the Fair for many is the gunmaking and accouterment judging. The Gunmakers Fair is still growing, and as the HCH is one of the four sponsoring organizations, I would love to see a large turnout from our membership at the event. Volunteers are needed, so if you can spare some time over the three days, please let John Dewald or myself know ASAP!

Friday evening at the Fair we will hold our Summer Reception. Please reserve your spots as soon as practical. We need all reservations by the 10th of July. Last year we had a great time and the food was delicious! Our group only formally meets twice a year, and I always find it enjoyable to see everyone at the reception and have a chance to catch up. There will also be a fundraising event over the weekend. Tickets for the raffle will be available for purchase at the HCH tent and on line.

If you can make it, I look forward to seeing you there.

Register for the HCH Summer Reception and more information here. <Click Here>

Download Raffle Tickets here. >Click Here<

Enjoy your summer,
Clinton E. Byers
HCH Guildmaster

Message from the Guildmaster – Your New Guildmaster Clinton Byers

As the first day of spring arrives, I am taking a moment to reflect on my new role as Guildmaster and the series of events that led me to this point. About fifteen years ago, I was casually surfing the internet looking for some inspiration for my budding powder-horn making hobby, when I stumbled across this website At the time, there was a place where you could ask a question about horn working; and so, I did. A week went by and a Guild member, by the name of Billy Griner, answered me. This simple act started an email conversation. A few months later, Billy invited me to come down to MESDA (The Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts) in Winston-Salem, NC. It seemed this guy, Jay Hopkins, was going to be there with a collection of original powder horns and Billy thought I might find it interesting. He wasn’t wrong.

At that event, I met Billy for the first time, along with Jeff Bibb, Bill Carter, Rick Sheets, and several other members of the Honourable Company of Horners. I instantly felt welcomed and truly enjoyed the day. The experience prompted me to join the HCH. As 2013 approached, Billy reached out again encouraging me to attend the upcoming Annual Guild Meeting in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He said it was an event like no other, and I wouldn’t want to miss it. I wasn’t sure Kerry and I could afford it that year, but I told her I want to attend just once to see what all the hype was about; she agreed. It’s hard to believe I have attended every Annual Meeting/Horn Fair since.

It’s truly hard to put into words all that I’ve gotten back over the years being a member of the HCH. Beyond simple inspiration and horn working knowledge, I’ve seen some amazing collections. I’ve been introduced to horn items I never imagined existed. I’ve seen amazing creativity and a love of history connected to this craft. Most importantly though, I’ve met people and found friends, mentors, brothers, sisters;folks who have truly become like family to me.

One such individual is Brett Davis. Brett and I first met at the Annual Meeting just before the pandemic. Brett’s big smile and good humor are contagious and you can’t help but like being around him. He is also a talented horn worker who recently advanced to the rank of Journeyman. I know the dedication Brett has to his craft and to the Guild,so I am very happy to announce that he will be assuming the role of Guildmaster Elect and eventually as Guildmaster. I am truly grateful to have his support and council moving forward.

As I move into my new role within the guild, there is some anxiety which comes from a fear of letting folks down. That feeling is offset though by the encouragement from, and confidence in, the people around me. Our membership is truly our greatest asset.  I’m reminded of the children’s story of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon; two friends, who go on a great journey together. When Big Panda ask which is more important the journey or the destination. Tiny Dragon answers neither,it is the company we keep along the way. I am not sure what the next year holds for this Guild. I am not sure what challenges we might face along the way or what great accomplishment we might make, but I do know one thing; I am traveling in good company; this Honourable Company of Horners.

Clinton E. Byers ~HCH Guildmaster

Guildmaster’s Message about The 2024 Horn Fair and Annual Meeting

January 2, 2024 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays coming to a close, I look forward to settling into a slower schedule- who am I kidding!?! Winter shows start as early as January. One I personally plan to attend is the 18th Century Artisan show which will be held at the Carlisle Expo Center on Feb. 2nd and 3rd. The Guild will have a display table with a good representation of horn items, membership information, fundraising displays and Guild merchandise for sale. If you’re in the area, we’d love to see you!
There’s a few more shows on my schedule, but the biggest one on my mind (by far) is our Annual Meeting at the Altoona Grand Hotel on March 8th and 9th. Plans have been set and reservations have already started rolling in. Remember, if you’re planning to book a room, call the hotel directly at (814)946-1631 and say you want a room in the “HCH room block”. Dinner reservations are also needed for the Saturday banquet. Information on acquiring banquet seats, display tables and raffle tickets can be found here on the website by clicking here.

Please mark your calendars for this event. As it’s the biggest Guild function we have during the year, I’d love so much to see more of our members there than ever before! If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Kris Polizzi – HCH Guildmaster
God Bless America!

Guildmaster’s Message about The Gunmakers Fair at Kempton – Register for the Summer Reception – Please Volunteer

I’m thankful we’re actually having spring-time in Pennsylvania this year! For the past few years it seemed to go straight from winter to summer!  I know summer is close at hand, and with that comes the excitement of the biggest event of the season- The Gunmakers Fair, now at the Kempton Fairgrounds in Kempton, Pennsylvania.

Plans have been put into place and many people have donated so much time and effort to make this event happen. As the HCH is one of the four sponsoring organizations, I would love to see a large showing of our membership at the event. More volunteers are needed, so if you can spare some time at some point over the three days of the event, please let John Dewald or myself know ASAP!

Here is a link about the Summer Reception. Please reserve your spots as soon as practical. We need all reservations by the 16th of July. Last year we had a great time and the food was delicious! As our group only formally meets twice a year, I find it’s always enjoyable to see everyone at the reception and catch up with friends. There will also be a fundraising event over the weekend. Tickets for the raffle will be available for purchase at the HCH tent. If you cannot make the event, you can purchase tickets by following this link as well.

I hope you all have a safe and fun summer! See you at the Fair!


Kris Polizzi – HCH Guildmaster
God Bless America!

December 2022- End of Year Message. Looking forward to 2023. Merry Christmas!

December 16, 2022 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

As I write this a quarter inch of ice clings to the tree branches outside my window. A mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain falls from the sky. Winter is finally here. Luckily for me, I’m sitting in front of a crackling fire thinking of all the members of the Guild spread across the country, and even the world, who are also getting ready for a new year to start. There are many things to be thankful for this time of year. And I for one have many blessings to be thankful for, including all of the friends I’ve made through this organization. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as together, we head into 2023!

At the Fall Executive Committee meeting (with most of the committee chairs present) many things were discussed, many plans were made and many updates given. There’s so much going on behind the scenes in this organization! If you’ve ever thought of joining one of our committees, please reach out to me to find out where the best place for you to “plug-in” would be!

Make sure to check out the latest issue of The Horn Book, coming out the end of February to find out about all of the “Happenings Around the Guild!”Make plans to attend the Annual Meeting in Altoona, Pennsylvania on March 10th and 11th, 2023! What a wonderful time of fellowship and fun, education and learning and growing as an organization! I hope many of you will be able to attend. If you are unable to make it this year, please find other ways to stay active in the Guild! One of those ways could be submitting a design for the Guild flag! Please send your digital design to Bill Carter along with a brief description by January 16th. We want this flag to represent the Guild as a whole and we’re looking for your thoughts on its design!


Wishing you and your family and very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kris Polizzi – HCH Guildmaster

God Bless America!

A bit about the Guildmaster's Challenge 2023! (At the Annual Meeting in Altoona, PA)

November 17, 2022 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Fall is officially here and has brought hurricane season with it. I’ll be praying for all of our members that may experience bad weather this fall and winter- stay safe! As the summer and fall events are winding down, our thoughts turn to winter horn projects, next year’s activities and have no fear- planning for our own Annual Horn Fair is underway. Keep an eye out for information about details in the next issue of The Horn Book. One bit of “sneak peak” info I can give you is next year’s Guildmaster’s Challenge.

For years, the Challenge has been the same; make a horn item in a completely traditional manner- no power tools, electric lighting or modern day means. From my own personal experience, this wasn’t an easy task! When I became Guildmaster, I started to think about what I would choose as my challenge. Would I continue with tradition, or veer off for something new? After some discussions with Past Guidmasters and Executive Committee members, I decided to take a different look at the idea. As you’ll see in my article in the Fall issue of The Horn Book, “Traditional vs. Contemporary…”, I’ve been thinking quite a lot about this very thing!

So, I’ve designed the 2023 Guildmaster’s Challenge to stretch your creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.I hope that it will spark an interest within many of our members new and old alike! Your item may be made using any means you have at your disposal. It is to be a completely contemporary piece- one that can be found in any modern home, office, workshop or school. Something that others might look at and not realizeit’s made with horn- but what a great conversation starter when you reveal its secret! Use your imagination! Your items will be judged on creativity and of course workmanship. Let the fun begin!


Excitedly awaiting the next time we meet,
Kris Polizzi – HCH Guildmaster

God Bless America!

If you have not gotten your HCH 25TH Anniversary Pin yet, you can order it from our Merchandise Page. Click Here.

Click Here

Register by the July 14th, 2022!

More about the Summer Reception at Kempton!

Register NOW if you have not already!

Join us at The Gunmakers’ Fair at Kempton.

July 29-31, 2022

As the temperatures start to rise, thoughts of great summer activates start floating into our daydreams. After the disappointment of having to cancel the last two Summer Receptions, we are more than happy to announce that this great tradition is back! As you all should have heard by now, The HCH, along with three other organizations have sponsored a new Summer event- The Gunmaker’s Fair at Kempton. As one of the sponsors, it’s more important than ever for us to make sure this event is a success! We hope to see many members there!

The Summer Reception will take place Friday, July 29th at 6 PM on the grounds of the Kempton Community Center.  This is the same location as the Gunmakers’ Fair, so no need to travel anywhere else for the dinner.  Dinner will be catered by the Kempton Kitchen with a buffet that will include:  Salad bar, pulled pork, baked chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and green beans, rolls along with coffee, ice tea, water and assorted desserts.  Also available will be non-alcoholic drinks, beer and wine.  In continuing with the HCH anniversary celebration, we will be offering samplings of five 18th century punches to include Fish House, Rum, Gin, Arrack and whiskey.

If you have not registered for the Summer Reception, you can do so via PayPal by using this form.

            This year’s raffle consists of a collaborative horn and bag set crafted and donated to the Guild by members and supporters. Daniel Boling has created a elegant York County Screw-tip horn engraved by John DeWald.  It will be paired with a wonderfully crafted bag by Shelly Gier. Tickets will be $5.00 each or a sheet of 5 for $20.

Print off and mail in raffle tickets here.


During the evening reception we will also hold an auction for an amazing set including a horn tobacco box, created and donated by Billy Griner, and a brass tamper paired with a beautifully crafted pipe with a custom case donated by Manfred Schmitz.


Help is always needed to support the Guild’s table.  If you would like to assist in selling merchandise, recruiting new members or just answering general questions,

please contact Mark Amey at:

June 14, 2022 – The Gunmakers Fair at Kempton is around the corner!

Summer events are now in full swing and the excitement is building for one of them in particular- The Gunmakers’ Fair at Kempton! We all were overjoyed when the news broke that The Gunmakers’ Fair would continue. This amazing event always brought so many people who love the longrifle culture together and it will continue to do so! Invites to the Guild’s summer reception will be arriving in your mailboxes soon and the next issue of  The Horn Book will have even more information. As the Guild is one of the four organizations sponsoring this event, we should be working even harder to ensure its prosperity. Spread the word, plan to attend and bring some friends! It will take everyone’s help to make this event the huge success that it has the potential to be! We are looking for volunteers to fill various jobs at the fair. Anyone who is interested in helping can contact Jeff Warner at

The second thing I’d like to mention is this, I’ve been informed that many of our members have not paid their dues for this year. We will not be able to continue our amazing Horn Book publication as well as other programs without everyone’s help. If you haven’t paid your dues yet, please do so now. As always, if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at!

Kris Polizzi – HCH Guildmaster

God Bless America!

Date Set for 2023 Horn Fair and HCH Annual Meeting (March 10&11, 2023 in Altoona, PA)

April 14, 2022 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Member’s must call the reservation desk to receive any discount. Do not use the online registration system.



It’s amazing when you see how much our Guild has grown and changed during such a difficult time in our country’s recent history. Our membership numbers have fallen off during the pandemic for various reasons, but I hope, now that the worst seems behind us, that we will be able to pull those numbers back up.

The record attendance at this year’s Annual Meeting shows that our membership is ready and willing to get back to what we do best – spreading the history, art and knowledge of hornwork! The amazing displays and unique items that were present made this meeting one of the best ever! We had so many favorable comments about the location, we’ve reserved the Altoona Grand Hotel for next year. However, due to it’s availability, the date had to be moved to the second week on March, so next year’s Annual Meeting will be March 10th and 11th, 2023. I hope the early news of the date change will give everyone time to get it on their calendars and plan to attend!

More news on Guild events, projects and activities will be in the Summer issue of the Hornbook.

Enjoy the Spring weather!
Kris Polizzi – HCH Guildmaster
God Bless America!

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