Monday, February 24, 2025

January 2011 Message from the Guildmaster

January 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Bridge leading to Old Salem Village, NC

Happy New Year to all members and visitors to our Web Site.  The Honourable Company of Horners Annual Meeting is rapidly approaching.  By now all members should have received their questionnaire in the mail.  I am asking for your cooperation in returning it to our Treasurer.  The information you supply is essential to the overall operation of our Guild.  An important item is your email address; this will enable us to communicate with the membership in an efficient and effective manner.  Webmaster, Rick Sheets is working on some new ideas to improve our communications.  Please update and keep all your contact information current.

Make sure to note the hotel change for the annual meeting, listed on our home page of the website. There will be tables set up by our members displaying some of the finest horn work in the country.  A minimal fee to browse the table area will be charged to all non members.  In addition, the museum will be open both days from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Members are encouraged to wear colonial attire to both the annual meeting and at the banquet, which represents the 18th or early 19th Century.

Please come enjoy the fellowship!

Ed Long
Honourable Company of Horners

PS: If you did not receive the mailing about the 2011 HCH Annual Meeting, click here.

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