Sunday, December 22, 2024

July-August 2015 – Message from the Guildmaster

September 14, 2015 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster


Our Guildmaster, Dick Toone, always draws a crowd. Here he is turning at The Gunmaker’s Fair in 2015.

The Horn Guild’s Summer Reception held at the Kutztown Rod and Gun Club drew seventy plus hungry members and guests from the Dixon family.  Chuck Dixon was not able to attend and personally receive the Lanthorn Award for exceptional support of the muzzle loading community in general and the Horn Guild in particular.  Chuck’s son Greg Dixon received the award for his father.  This week I received a handwritten note from Chuck thanking us for our thoughtfulness.

The Horn Guild members scooped up most of the ribbons in the accouterments judging and will be receiving just acknowledgement in the upcoming “Horn Book.” The forty plus pages of the summer edition of the “Horn Book” is not one to miss and rather one to covet.  Outstanding:  Bill Carter, Bob and Terry Albrecht!

I sometimes wish the Horn Guild had started forty years ago instead of twenty this next March.  If people had then the information now being published, the  image of “frontiersmen” would be more historically correct both for interpreters and painted image today.  Contrary to twentieth century experimental archaeologists trying to do what was then without good data, we now have contemporary images carrying their horns and bags different from how it was in the past.   Today the “in” image is the Longhunter with his bag and horn tucked up under his arm with the horn tip in to streamline progress through the brush.  Data from examination of wear patterns on original horns show the tip was out and horns were attached to the bag strap hung near the hip as judged by length of existing straps.  Today’s interpreter is used to fitted clothing and accessories rather than a horn/bag combination “tool” quickly grabbed and slung over the head and shoulder.   Unfortunately, good artists are painting what they now see and perpetuating the myth.   The cross pollination information of today’s horn and bag makers with the collector/historian’s evidence shared within the Horn Guild is priceless yet can be had for only the $30.00 price of admission to the Guild. Click Here to join or renew.

The Executive Committee will be meeting at Carlisle October 17th to discuss membership, awards, educational progress, and the 2016 20th Anniversary Annual Meeting in March.  Please try to make your membership commitment by the end of the year and reserve your banquet tickets when you receive notice.  It really helps with the planning if you do.

I will be demonstrating the Guild’s Spring Pole Lathe at the Fort Roberdeau Pennsylvania Rifle Frolic and Marketfaire October 9-11.  This is a fun event in a great part of the year. Click Here for more information on this event.

 Hope to see you there.  Dick Toone

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