Monday, December 23, 2024

November 2010 Message from the Guildmaster

November 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Members and non-members viewing this website, it is coming sooner than you think.  In fact it is here!

We have a new blog for members and a HCH Classified Section.  Thanks to the Publications Committee and the Webmaster, Rick Sheets, members are able to advertise their work to all who are viewing our website.

In addition to the Classified Section, members who have their own website, our links section is also   available to you.  Submit your information to the Webmaster and Rick will add you and your link.

If you are a member of the HCH and would like to have an electronic copy of our membership list, it is available upon request from our Membership Chairman John Shorb at  In addition, please keep all information such as addresses, phone numbers and emails current.  We are also asking all members if you have an email address, please forward it to John.  The more emails we have, the easier it is to control the flow of information
to all. Thanks for your assistance.

Best regards,
Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

"One cannot have enough horn."

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