Sunday, February 23, 2025

November 2012 Message from the Guildmaster

November 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Some thoughts on November 2012:

Is it just me, or are most of you completely worn out with the mindless hullabaloo surrounding this election?  It seems that one cannot go more than an hour without the phone ringing and demanding our attention as to who does what better, and who is more honest, and who has the capability to lead our country in the right direction for the next four years. Whether these messages are delivered by a “live” person or an automated system, I am jaded by the whole thing at this point, ready to get over it and go on. May the best man win..… and I really don’t want to hear too much more about it.

Of course in past times, I suppose the candidates would have boarded trains (latter 1800’s) or ridden in carriages or on horses, (1700’s / early 1800’s)  and delivered their messages to the populace as best they could before retiring to their respective homes to hear the results. I guess this is where the old term of “stump speeches” comes from. This might have taken a while in previous times, but then who was in  a real hurry?  Whatever newspapers existed at the time would have dutifully reported the opinions and promises of the politicians, folks would discuss these issues, and decide their positions and vote. Of course the amount of money spent on these campaigns would pale in comparison to the endless millions of today’s times.

These days, everyone is in a hurry, and seem to accomplish little. Our electronic age has delivered some definite benefits in terms of communication capabilities and ability to transmit information to others in a speedy fashion. But, have the results truly been beneficial? If you wonder as I do, look at the reaction times in the modern stock market. The DOW can fall hundreds of points in minutes because some high-tech company had a hiccup the previous day. One wonders what type of “productivity”  these companies have anyway? What does one do all day besides sitting in front of a computer, receiving and transmitting information. Whatever happened to real jobs of the past, where accomplishments could actually be seen at the end of the day, not buried in some electronic never-never land that really doesn’t exist?

As our Thanksgiving season approaches, I am thankful to be involved with a group of people who value much more than the frustrating turmoil our existence seems to have become. The historical community is largely made up of folks who can slow down, and appreciate the value of a time that will never exist again. We can take the time to appreciate others as we hope they will appreciate the time we spend with them. I cannot help but think this is a far better approach to life than thumbing out a text message while eating dinner with a spouse, friend, or other associate.

Six years ago, a small dog wandered on our farm in early November. I came home to find my wife, Jan, raking leaves while he sat patiently, along with our Labrador retriever, Zora Neale. He wanted nothing more than our love and attention. Several days later, it became apparent that he was the victim of  “abuse”  and really needed a home. We negotiated his release from his former residence, and Sparky has been with us ever since. Caring for others, whether animal or human, means more than anything our modern world can supply.  I think that perhaps this is more of the message our original Thanksgiving celebrations imply. I wish you the best this season.

On a different note, this coming weekend, our Executive Committee will gather for its annual fall meeting. We have a number of topics to discuss, and our goal is to help the HCH grow and mature as best it can in the coming years. Our organization was founded to promote traditional horn work, and to educate others regarding its historical importance. Your input and participation in the guild is vital to its success. I encourage all of you to consider volunteering in the future to help us grow and achieve the goals of our unique and valuable organization. Of course, many thanks go out to those who have worked hard in the past and present to make us what we are today. Our thanks go out to all of you in this season of Thanksgiving.

All the best,

Jeff Bibb

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