Monday, February 24, 2025

October 2010 Message from the Guildmaster

October 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Don't be a horn weasel!

Do you consider yourself a member of the HCH in good standing? Before you answer that question, consider the following: Good standing means more than just paying your dues on time, it also takes into account Standing Rule No. 2 of our By-Laws, HCH ETHICS, that read as follows:

1. Members will never knowingly misrepresent a new or contemporary item as an original antique.

2. Members will make every reasonable effort to permanently mark their current work, clearly identifying themselves as the maker with the year of manufacture, to keep the piece from being misrepresented in the future.

3. Members will not misrepresent or mark with their name or logo on any work that is not of their manufacture.

4. Members will always represent their skill level in the Guild in accordance to the regulations set forth in Standing Rule No. 1

5. Only current Executive Committee members, the current Guildmaster, or members specifically designated by the current Guildmaster may make official statements of the HCH policy.

6. Members will treat all patrons with respect and deal with them fairly and honestly.

7. Whereas, the conduct of one member of the Honourable Company of Horners is a reflection on the guild as a whole, vigilance must be used to avoid situations where the reputation of the HCH is called into question.

We cannot maintain a reputation by resting on our laurels alone, WE MUST EARN IT!


Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

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