Monday, March 17, 2025

Winter 2013 Raffle (aka 2013 Annual Meeting Raffle)

January 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Raffles & Fundraisers


I am pleased to announce that we are going to have a raffle at the annual meeting to help raise funds for the Guild.  We have had some fine artisans from within the Guild donate items for this raffle. I would like to take the time to thank these fine folks for their contributions and their commitment to helping the Guild grow. So, with that said, here are the items that are to be raffled off at the annual meeting in March.

We have a charming lady`s ring box made by Don Fererro and engraved by Bill Carter…  A handsome 8” x 10” framed giclee print from Bob Albrecht… Also, we have a lovely hand woven powder horn strap and gift certificate for a custom strap from Kris Polizzi… Sparks Mumma donated a wonderfully engraved salt and pepper horn… and John Dewald donated a beautifully crafted medicine cup and spoon… There will also be a table set up for you to view the items and purchase tickets at the annual meeting.

Just added on January 10th, 2013…  The NMLRA 1 of 1000 Endowment Program has donated another print to us by David Wright; it is named “Spirit of America.”  Please see the picture below!

I am hoping to start the tradition of having two Raffles each year. One at Dixon’s, which will always be a horn and pouch set, and one at the annual meeting. So, any artisans, whether a Freeman, Journeyman or Master, wishing to donate something for a raffle, please feel free to contact me at

Your most humble servant…

Ed McDilda

Fundraising Chairman

Spirit of America Print
by David Wright
Donated by the NMLRA’s
1 of 1000 Endowment Program

Won by
Rich Griggs Marysville, OH

Salt and Pepper Horn
by Sparks Mumma

Won by
Joe Becker, Pennsylvania

Horn Ring Box
by Donald Ferraro
engraved by Bill Carter

Won by
Ed Long, Pennsylvania

Handmade Inkle Loom Strap
by Krista Polizzi

Won by
Ron Hess, Buckhead, GA


Inkle Loom Strap Gift Certificate
by Krista Polizzi

Won by
Craig Jarrett, Pennsylvania

Delaware Scout Print
by Robert Albrecht

Won by
Jim Enloe, Mt Vernon, OH


Medicine Cup
by John Dewald

Won by
Gus Taber, Pennsylvania

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