Saturday, February 22, 2025

2013 Horn Book & Website Sponsors

Thanks to everyone listed below.  According to Art DeCamp, our Treasurer, to date $2,575 has been contributed by 116 sponsors!! A heartfelt thanks for your generosity, which is responsible for the many upgrades made to both The Horn Book and the Website.

You can see the direct results of your generosity in this issue.  Although our summer issue has always the largest, this one is still different – it is the largest one the Guild has ever published; we even added a ‘table of contents’ for your convenience!  Yes, we do get excited about such things! Without your support the length of this issue would not have been possible.   Please remember that all sponsorship donations help fund equipment maintenance, software upgrades, printing and mailing costs, publication expansion, and various other product quality improvements.  Never doubt that you have, are and shall be the primary impetus for the continued growth and upgrades made to both The Horn Book and the Website.

From all members of the Publications Committee, our sincere thanks and appreciation for your generosity, we are indeed humbled and stand by our promise to always give you a quality product that you can look to with pride.

Anyone interested in becoming a sponsor can do so with a $20.00 donation to the HCH.  Checks should be made payable to the Honourable Company of Horners and forwarded to Art DeCamp, Treasurer, 2210 Acorn Circle, Huntingdon, PA 16652-9783.

Please remember that the HCH is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization and all contributions and dues payments can be used as itemized deductions on your individual tax returns.


2013 Horn Book & Website Sponsor Listing

Craig Adamson

Bob Albrecht

Frank Alcorn

Ray Antosh

William Auld

James Austin

Gordon Barlow

Glenn Beall

Gary Bertelsen

Jeff Bibb

Dan Boling

Ron Borron

Roger Briggs

Robert Brisson

Bo Brown

Clint Byers

Chuck Brownewell

Mary Bungo

Paul Butcher

Bill Carter

Bob Copner

P.A. Danus

Art DeCamp

John DeWald

Fred & Janis Donley

Gerald Eichorn

Gary Elsenbeck

Jim Enloe

Richard Evans

Don Fererro

Dean Freund

Paul Gasparo

Victor Gavin

Larry George

Clark Goetzmann

Roger Gonzales

Paul Gosnell

Fred Grisier

Dave Gundrum

Burt Hamrick

Ray Hauver

Ron Hess

Bill Hey

Gary Himmel

Jay Hopkins

Richard Hujsa

Barry Hutchins

Pete Hutton

Alice Jackson

Craig Jarrett

Barbara Jones

Enoch Jones

Nick Jones

Mike Karkalla

John Kiselica

John LaBella

Gary LaGuire

Cameron Lane

Jim Leach

Ed Long

Tim Lubenesky

Walter Mabry

Hoyt Masterton

Harris Maupin

Rich McDonald

Wallace McElheney

Glenn McIntyre

Scott McLaughlin

Jerry Midkiff

Dave Miller

Dwight Moore

Scott Morrison

Bill Myers

In Memory of
Richard Nicholas

Hank Nowak

Jim Pease

Karen Pease

JD Plybon

Jerry & Kris Polizzi

Wayne Prado

Steven Pressman

John & Carole Proud

David Rabo

John Rachuba

David Rase

Steve Rehm

Ginger Riddick

Rex Riddick

Bill Ruggie

Tim Sanner

Bill Scurlock

Todd Searle

Rick Sheets

Frank Slyker

Mike Small

Fred Smith

Ron Smith

Gary Steele

Jim Stevens

Leon Stone

Mark Thomas

Richard Toone

Al Trevail

Ray Troutman

Erv Tschanz

Ron Turner

Ron Vail

Joe Valentin

Bill Vance

Ginny Van Meter

Lawrence Wlazlo

Jim Webb

Frank Willis

H. David Wright

Ken Yanik

Russ Young

Again, a big thanks goes out to our Sponsors! If you would like to be a sponsor, you may do so by making a PayPal donation below.