Saturday, February 22, 2025

2014 Horn Book and Website Sponsors (Updated January 2015)

End of Year 2014 Horn Book and Website Sponsor Listing

 The Publications Committee wishes to extend a sincere thank-you to all those who contributed to the Sponsorship Program in 2014.  It goes without saying that it was indeed record making, as evidenced by the final year end tally of 130 Guild members making donations that totaled $3,243!  Both the number of contributors and the amount donated are impressive – your support and generosity is appreciated more than you will ever know.  Without your backing, many of the ideas, projects and future plans could never have come to fruition.  You give us that latitude to think outside the normal budgetary restraints.  Always rest assured that your donations are highly treasured and well spent, with the goal of giving you the best possible return on your generous contributions.  Our thanks.

Anyone interested in becoming a sponsor can do so with a $20.00 donation to the HCH.  Checks should be made payable to the Honourable Company of Horners and forwarded to Art DeCamp, Treasurer, 2210 Acorn Circle, Huntingdon, PA 16652-9783.

Please remember that the HCH is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization and Website and Horn Book donations can be used as itemized deductions on your individual tax returns.


2014 Horn Book & Website Sponsor Listing

Craig Adamson[br]

Bob Albrecht[br]

Frank Alcorn[br]

Ray Antosh[br]

William Auld[br]

James Austin[br]

Glenn Beall[br]

Gary Bertelson[br]

Butch Bessmer[br]

Jeff Bibb[br]

Nathan Blouch[br]

Ron Borron[br]

Roger Briggs[br]

Robert Brisson[br]

Bo Brown[br]

Mike Burke[br]

Paul Butcher[br]

Daniel Boling[br]

Sara Boyd[br]

Chuck Brownewell[br]

Mary Bungo[br]

Clinton Byers[br]

Bill Carter (NC)[br]

Bill Carter (VT)[br]

Robert Coffey[br]

Bob Copner[br]

Tim Cornick[br]

In Memory of
Matt D’Ambrosio[br]

Art DeCamp[br]

John DeWald[br]

Greg & Brenda Dixon[br]

Thomas Dripps[br]

Gerald Dukes

Gerald Eichon[br]

Gary Elsenbeck[br]

Don Fererro[br]

Dean Freund[br]

Paul Gasparo[br]

Victor Gavin[br]

Larry George[br]

Dennis Gessman[br]

Paul Gosnell[br]

Fred Grisier[br]

Dave Gundrum[br]

Kevin Hart[br]

Ray Hauver[br]

Ron Hess[br]

George Hey[br]

Gary Himmel[br]

Ron Hoffman[br]

Jay Hopkins[br]

Richard Hujsa[br]

Barry Hutchins[br]

Pam Hutton[br]

Pete Hutton[br]

Alice Jackson[br]

Ralph James[br]

Craig Jarrett[br]

Barbara Jones[br]

John Kiselica[br]

John LaBella[br]

Gary LaGuire[br]

Cameron Lane[br]

Dennis Layman[br]

Ed Long[br]

Tim Lubenesky

Walter Mabry[br]

Curtis Makamson[br]

Randy & Karen Martis[br]

Hoyt Masterton[br]

Harris Maupin[br]

Glenn McIntyre[br]

Scott McLaughlin[br]

Jerry Midkiff[br]

Dave Miller[br]

Dwight Moore[br]

Scott Morrison[br]

Jason Moyer[br]

Orville Mumma[br]

Kevin Nettleton[br]

Jim Newell[br]

In Memory of
Richard Nicholas[br]

Hank Nowak[br]

Stephen Pancoe[br]

Jim Pease[br]

J.D. Plybon[br]

Jerry & Kris Polizzi[br]

Wayne Prado[br]

Steven Pressman[br]

Mark Preston[br]

John & Carole Proud[br]

John Rachuba[br]

Ginger Reddick[br]

Rex Reddick[br]

Steve Rehm[br]

Bill Ruggie[br]

John Ruoff[br]

Tim Sanner[br]

Ray Schoonmaker

Ken Scott[br]

Leroy Seagroves[br]

Todd Searle[br]

Rick Sheets[br]

Daniel Shirey[br]

John Shorb[br]

Frank Slyker[br]

Gary Silvey[br]

Frank Slyker[br]

Fred Smith[br]

Leon Stone[br]

Gary Steele[br]

Art Stonebraker[br]

Glenn Sutt[br]

John Swett[br]

Gus Tabor[br]

Richard Toone[br]

Raymond Troutman[br]

Ron Vail[br]

Bill Vance[br]

Ginny Van Meter[br]

Sandy Warner[br]

Jim Webb[br]

Frank Willis[br]

Lawrence Wlazlo[br]

David Wright[br]

Ken Yanik[br]

Russ Young

Again, a big thanks goes out to our Sponsors! If you would like to be a sponsor, you may do so by making a PayPal donation below. Checks should be made payable to the Honourable Company of Horners and forwarded to Art DeCamp, Treasurer, 2210 Acorn Circle, Huntingdon, PA 16652-9783.