Tuesday, January 21, 2025

2016 Horn Book and Website Sponsors

Updated Jan 4th, 2017.

All members of the Publications Committee are deeply indebted to those Guild members listed below who became Sponsors in 2016, many of whom have also contributed in previous years. It’s official, the final tally for 2016 lists 147 Sponsors who contributed a total of $3,720!! As always, your kind words, generosity and support provide our committee with more than enough incentive to keep you informed and up to date on all the news, activities, projects and horn related research of our Guild. The new listing of Sponsors for 2016 will be in the upcoming Summer issue, which will be published this coming July. Our sincere thanks, once again, for your continued support. Anyone interested in becoming a sponsor can do so with a $20.00 donation to the HCH. Checks should be made payable to the Honourable Company of Horners and forwarded to Art DeCamp, Treasurer, 2210 Acorn Circle, Huntingdon, PA 16652-9783.

Please remember that the HCH is a 501c 3 non-profit organization and all contributions, other than dues payment, can be used as itemized deductions on your individual tax returns.


2016 Horn Book & Website Sponsor Listing


Craig Adamson[br]
Andrew Albanese[br]
Bob Albrecht[br]
Frank Alcorn[br]
Tom Ames[br]
Ray Antosh[br]
William Auld[br]
Barney Barnitz[br]
Glenn Beall[br]
Jerry Becker[br]
Joe Becker[br]
Gary Bertelson[br]
Jeff Bibb[br]
Nathan Blauch[br]
Daniel Boling[br]
Roger Briggs[br]
Roger Brisson[br]
Bo Brown[br]
Chuck Brownewell[br]
Jim Buelow[br]
Mary Bungo[br]
Paul Butcher[br]
Clinton Byers[br]
Randall Camp[br]
Bill Carter (VT)[br]
Bill Carter (NC)[br]
Robert Coffey[br]
Tim Cornick[br]
Jeff Crisey[br]
Wayne Davis[br]
Art DeCamp[br]
John DeWald[br]
Gerald Dukes[br]
Dan Eisenhower[br]
Gary Elsenbeck[br]
Albert Emanuel[br]
Richard Evans[br]
Don Fererro
Dean Freund[br]
Jim Fulmer[br]
Jason Gatliff[br]
Paul Gasparo[br]
Victor Gavin[br]
Larry George[br]
Clark Goetzmann[br]
Roger Gonzales[br]
Tom Grinslade[br]
Fred Griser[br]
Dave Gundrum[br]
Mel Hankla[br]
Kevin Hart[br]
Randy Hedden[br]
Richard Harwood[br]
Ron Hess[br]
Gary Himmel[br]
Rodger Hodge[br]
Jay Hopkins[br]
The Horn Shoppe[br]
Richard Hujsa[br]
Barry Hutchins[br]
Pete & Pam Hutton[br]
Ralph James[br]
Craig Jarrett[br]
Barbara Jones[br]
Mike Karkalla[br]
Jack Keener[br]
Shern Kier[br]
Alex Kiselica[br]
John Kiselica[br]
Larry Klein[br]
Gary Kovacs[br]
John LaBella[br]
Cameron Lane[br]
Pam Lappegard
Ed Long[br]
Jim Leach[br]
Tim Lubenesky[br]
Gary Ludwig[br]
Walter Mabry[br]
Curtis Makamson[br]
Charles Manning[br]
Mike Marotta[br]
Randy and Karen Martis[br]
Hoyt Masterton[br]
Harris Maupin[br]
Barry Maxfield[br]
Kevin McDonald[br]
Glenn McIntyre[br]
Chris McElvey[br]
Wayne McLaughlin[br]
Dave Miller[br]
Dwight Moore[br]
Harold Moore[br]
Brian Morris[br]
Scott Morrison[br]
Bill Myers[br]
Jim Newell[br]
Kevin Nettleton[br]
In Memory of Richard Nicholas[br]
Hank Nowak[br]
Stephen Pancoe[br]
Jim & Karen Pease[br]
In Memory of John D. Plybon[br]
Bill Podszus[br]
Jerry & Kris Polizzi[br]
Powder Horns & More[br]
Nick Powers[br]
Stephen Pressman[br]
Mark Preston[br]
John Proud[br]
David Rabo
Ginger Reddick[br]
Rex Reddick[br]
Steve Rehm[br]
Bill RuggieJohn Ruoff[br]
Tim Sanner[br]
Ray Schoonmaker[br]
Leroy Seagroves[br]
Todd Searle[br]
Bernard Shaw[br]
Rick Sheets[br]
Daniel Shirey[br]
Gary Silvey[br]
Frank Slyker[br]
Fred Smith[br]
Ronnie Smith[br]
In Memory of Gary Steele[br]
James Steele[br]
Leon Stone[br]
Glenn Sutt[br]
Calvin Tanner[br]
Sam Thompson[br]
Richard Toone[br]
Raymond Troutman[br]
Erv Tschanz[br]
Walter Tyler[br]
Ron Vail[br]
Joe Valentin[br]
Bill Vance[br]
Ginny VanMeter[br]
Jim Webb[br]
Frank Willis[br]
Woody Woodruff[br]
Lawrence Wlazlo[br]
H. David Wright[br]
Ken Yanik[br]
Mitch Yates[br]
Russ Young

Again, a big thanks goes out to our Sponsors! If you would like to be a sponsor, you may do so by making a PayPal donation below. Checks should be made payable to the Honourable Company of Horners and forwarded to Art DeCamp, Treasurer, 2210 Acorn Circle, Huntingdon, PA 16652-9783.