Saturday, February 22, 2025

2017 Horn Book and Website Sponsors

(Update May 1, 2017)

On behalf of The Horn Book and the Website, we give our sincere thanks for your generous donations, without which many of the improvements and initiatives would not have been possible.  As of the first of May there have been 109 Sponsors contributing a total of $2,548.09.
A final 2017 Sponsorship List will be published in the 2018 Winter issue of The Horn Book.
You have our sincere thanks and appreciation.

The Publications Committee

David Adams

Craig Adamson

Bob Albrecht

Ray Antosh

Gordon Barlow

Barney Barnitz

Glen Beall

Jerry Becker

Joe Becker

Gary Bertelsen

Jeff Bibb

Nathan Blauch

Daniel Boling

Ron & Judy Borron

Sara & Tony Boyd

Roger Briggs

Robert Brisson

Bo Brown

Chuck Brownewell

Mary Bungo

Mike Burk

Randall Camp

William E. Carter

William H. Carter

Tim Comick

Bob Copner

Art DeCamp

John DeWald

Carl Dumke

Gary Elsenbeck

Albert Emanuel

Don Fererro

Dean Freund

Jim Fulmer

Paul Gasparo

Victor Gavin

Larry George

Clark Goetzmann

Roger Gonzales

Tom Grinslade

Fred Grisier

Mel Hankla

Kevin Hart

Gerald Heister

Gary Himmel

Jay Hopkins

Richard Hujsa

Glenn Hurley

Barry Hutchins

Ralph James

Craig Jarrett

Barbara Jones

Jack Keener

Alex Kiselica

John Kiselica

Gary Kovacs

Cameron Lane

Jim Leach

Ed Long

Gary Ludwig

Walter Mabry

Curtis Makamson

Hoyt Masterton

Harris Maupin

Robert McGowan

Glenn McIntyre

Scott McLaughlin

Jerry Midikiff

Dave Miller

Brian Morris

Scott Morrison

Jason Moyer

Kevin Nettleton

Stephen Pancoe

Jim & Karen Pease

William Podszus

Kris & Jerry Polizzi

Steven Pressman

Mark Preston

John Proud

David Rase

Ginger Reddick

Rex Reddick

Al Rehder

Steve Rehm

Joe Rushton

Tim Sanner

Karl Schubert

Joe Scott

Leroy Seagroves

Todd Searle

Rick Sheets

Dan Shirey

Leroy Skaggs

Frank Slyker

Fred A. Smith

Ron Smith

Jim Steel

Cal Tanner

Sam Thompson

Richard Toone

Raymond Troutman

Ron Vail

Joe Valentin

Ginny Van Meter

Kevin Walden

Lawrence Wlazlo

David Wright

Mitch Yates