Saturday, February 22, 2025

2022 Horn Book and Website Sponsors

Your meaningful gifts provide us with the incentive to continue working toward providing you with a magazine and website you deserve – Thank You!!

The Guild’s sincere thanks goes out to Jim Steele, HCH Treasurer, for providing the list of 2022 Sponsors who made contributions in support of The Horn Book and Website. It is especially meaningful in light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the current economic times. Despite these setbacks, 95 contributors generously made donations to help fund and support our publication and website activities.

It should be noted that the number of sponsors has steadily increased since 2020 which is yet another sign of our Guild’s recovery (2020-70 Sponsors / 2021-86 Sponsors / 2022-95 Sponsors).

Several magazines related to the ‘Longrifle Culture’ no longer exist or have reduced their publications due to increased operational and material costs; however, thanks to your generosity we have weathered the storm and have not had to reduce our operations.

Your continued support is heartfelt and quite meaningful – OUR SINCERE THANKS!! 

Members interested in becoming a sponsor can do so with a $25.00 donation to the HCH. Checks should be made payable to the Honourable Company of Horners and mailed to: HCH Treasurer c/o James Steele, 510 Coffin Alley, PO Box 382, Portland, PA 18351

HCH is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization and all contributions, other than dues payments, can be used as itemized deductions on your individual tax returns.

Frank Alcorn

Tom Ames

Ray Antosh

Glen Beall

Gary Bertelsen

Butch Besmer

Jeff Bibb

Nathan Blauch

Daniel Boling

Henry Bowman

Robert Brisson

Chuck Brownewell

Roger Briggs

Mary Bungo

Clinton Byers

Roland Cadle

Randy Camp

William E. Carter

William H. Carter

Bob Copner

Art DeCamp

John DeWald

Gary Elsenbeck

Don Fererro

Dean Freund

Jim Fulmer

Dave Gundrum

Mel Hankla

Kevin Hart

Chris Helsel

Ron Hess

Gary Himmel

Jay Hopkins

Glenn Hurley

Barry Hutchins

Pete Hutton

Ralph James

Craig Jarrett

Alex Kiselica

John Kiselica

Kerry Klein

John LaBella

Pam Lappegard

Jim Leach

Sandy Lerner

Ed Long

Steven Lubanovic

Walt Mabry

Curtis Makamson

Charles Manning

Michael Marotta

Harris Maupin

Glen McIntyre

Chris McKelvey

Dave Miller

Scott Morrison

Spark Mumma

Jim & Karen Pease

William Podszus

Gerry & Kris Polizzi

Robert Poole

John Proud

Alan Rader

Rex Reddick

Steven Rehm

Joe Rushton

Tim Sanner

William Schneider

Todd Searle

Rick Sheets

Dan Shirey

Frank Slyker

Fred Smith

Reeder Smith

Ronnie Smith

Jim Steele

Gus Taber

Mark Thomas

James Thurau

Dick Toone

Raymond Troutman

Erv Tschanz

Ron Turner

Mark Tyler

Ron Vail

Ginny VanMeter

Tom Vargo

Kevin Walden

Frank Willis

Ken Yanik

Mitch Yates

In Memory of:

Richard Nicholas

Gary Steele