Monday, March 10, 2025

April 2011 Message from Guildmaster

April 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

The HCH annual meeting at Fort Roberdeau was the largest attended in the history of the Guild.  The table displays from attending members were outstanding and also included an original horn engraved by the hand of The Pointed Tree Carver.

The meeting was held Friday morning and opened with the presentation of a blowing horn to the Guild by Roland Cadle.  The horn will be used by the Guildmaster to call meetings to order.  Following the presentation there was a moment of silence for recently passed members, Terry Missant, Joe Ruggiero and James Guy along with prayer and the citation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

This year in lieu of presentations, we had Master Horner Benches set-up where they presented most all phases of horn work. This was a big hit; how often can you just ask the best what you want to know? In addition to the interactive Master Horner Benches, Freeman Fred Noesner demonstrated his method to build a powder horn- by feel, as Nosener is blind. Dick Toone was there with his spring pole lathe; it almost ready to turn a horn.

The hot lunches provided by the Fort Roberdeau staff were excellent, and the wine and cheese reception at Village Restorations was above and beyond expectations.  Pam Raub and her staff did a fabulous job putting it together and they deserve our gratitude.

Our annual meeting was not without recognition for those deserving it. The horn competition was one of the most intense in years.  Among the winners was John Proud, who won best of show with an outstanding powder horn.  At the banquet on Saturday evening, Tom Ames was presented with the Guild’s most prestigious award, The Lanthorn Award.  Mr. Ames spoke without notes and from the heart; he showed all attending why he received the award.

Congratulations are in order for Sparks Mumma on his advancement from Freeman to Journeyman.

Steve Pancoe was the lucky winner of the Commemorative powder horn engraved by Mark Preston and Wild Willy Frankfort won this year’s raffle prize.  Oh, and by the way Willy; we promise not to tell your sons that you won.

Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

PS: Enjoy a few pictures from our annual meeting below.

Journeyman Tim Sanner displays his Horn Work.

For a Good Tine call John Proud.

Jeff Bibb (right) speaks with a visitor.

Erv Tschanz, Master Horner and Bill Carter, Journeyman

March 2011 Message From The Guildmaster

March 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

March 5th, 2011 is the final day of registration for our annual meeting at Fort Roberdeau in the Sinking Spring Valley area outside Altoona, PA. Because of unforeseen circumstances at the original site, the meeting in Altoona had to be arranged hastily. This change of location will not prevent the meeting from being a success.

There will be two large collections of original screw-tip powder horns on display. All registered members will be eligible for a drawing on a commemorative priming/day horn. Blowing horns made by Roland Cadle and Billy Griner will be on display for the membership in attendance to judge. Who will win bragging rights for the best blowing horn; the North, or the South?

Let’s not forget the horn competition, with top of the line competitors; the judges will have a difficult challenge determining winners. The main attraction will be the hands on work stations manned by our Master Horners. Look for the Masters turning, pressing, repairing, carving, engraving, and staining horn. Finally, on Saturday evening the event will culminate with a banquet, awards ceremony, and raffle.

Do not hesitate; get your registration form along with your check payable to the “HCH” to Treasurer Art DeCamp, 2210 Acorn Circle, Huntingdon, PA 16652 in the mail TODAY. Print out the meeting itineray here.

The event promises to be a good time, see you there.

Ed Long, Guildmaster

February 2011 Message From The Guildmaster

February 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Our new location for the HCH 2011 annual meeting has been finalized.  Dates are March 11th and 12th at Fort Roberdeau in the beautiful Sinking Spring Valley outside of Altoona, PA.  This location will be different than all prior locations because of its rural setting.

Before I continue about the new location, there are a few points I would like to bring out relating to the former site at Morristown, NJ.  First, if you reserved a room at the Ramada East, it has been cancelled.  The reason we moved out of Morristown was due to the unwillingness of a newly appointed NPS Superintendent to honor the original terms of our previously negotiated park use permit.  We were left with no choice but to hastily find an alternative site.

The program at Fort Roberdeau will basically remain the same as originally planned for Morristown.  Demonstrators and most members will be dressed in colonial attire for the two day event.  There will be up to 30 tables displaying items made from horn to include two large collections of original screw tip powder horns.  The Hartley horn drawings book will be available for sale and members of the Hartley group will be available to sign your personal copy.  The entire program will be centered  around interaction with Master Horners of the Guild demonstrating various phases of horn work.

The annual meeting will be held Friday morning.  Members are encouraged to participate in the horn competition.  A wine and cheese reception will be hosted Friday evening by Village Restorations at their office and work shop in Frankstown.  The entire event will culminate Saturday evening with a banquet in the Liberty Hall at the U.S. Hotel in Hollidaysburg.  Costs will remain the same and members will receive a second mailing with all the event details.  Members are also reminded to please return the questionnaire received in the first mailing.

The Comfort Suites Altoona, 140 Stroehman Road, Altoona, PA.  814-942-2600 have given the Guild a rate of $89 per night plus tax.  Reserve early as there are a limited number of rooms in this block.  Be sure to mention you are a member of the Guild meeting at Fort Roberdeau for the reduced rate.

Once again, I apologize for any inconveniences this has caused and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at Fort Roberdeau.


Ed Long

January 2011 Message from the Guildmaster

January 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Bridge leading to Old Salem Village, NC

Happy New Year to all members and visitors to our Web Site.  The Honourable Company of Horners Annual Meeting is rapidly approaching.  By now all members should have received their questionnaire in the mail.  I am asking for your cooperation in returning it to our Treasurer.  The information you supply is essential to the overall operation of our Guild.  An important item is your email address; this will enable us to communicate with the membership in an efficient and effective manner.  Webmaster, Rick Sheets is working on some new ideas to improve our communications.  Please update and keep all your contact information current.

Make sure to note the hotel change for the annual meeting, listed on our home page of the website. There will be tables set up by our members displaying some of the finest horn work in the country.  A minimal fee to browse the table area will be charged to all non members.  In addition, the museum will be open both days from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Members are encouraged to wear colonial attire to both the annual meeting and at the banquet, which represents the 18th or early 19th Century.

Please come enjoy the fellowship!

Ed Long
Honourable Company of Horners

PS: If you did not receive the mailing about the 2011 HCH Annual Meeting, click here.

December 2010 Message from the Guildmaster

December 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Merry Christmas

Get ready for the 15th Anniversary!  Now is the time to start planning for our annual HCH meeting and Horn Fair, to be held March 4th and 5th, 2011 at Morristown, NJ. The area is rich in 18th Century history.  This will be the 15th Anniversary of the Honourable Company of Horners.  Here is a taste of what you will experience.

There will be table displays with private collections of original horns and some of the finest horn work in the country, perhaps the world.  Members of the Hartley Group will be present to sign your personal copy of the The Hartley Horn Drawings.  The main attraction will be “The Masters’ Benches,” consisting of up to eight stations run by Master Horners.  Masters will instruct and demonstrate various methods and phases of horn work.  There will be a member’s horn competition including categories of: Traditional engraved, Contemporary engraved, Carved, Horn objects, and Horn and bag.

Colonial attire, worn by most attendees, will add color and originality to the event.  The event will close on Saturday night with a spectacular banquet, including 18th Century music and visit from General Washington. In addition an awards ceremony will be held, along with a raffle/auction of the finest accouterments made by world class artisans.

This will be a memorable event and should not be missed.  Information on costs, lodging, and logistical data will be available in the near future on the website and in the Horn Book.

This is a personal invite from me on behalf of the Honourable Company of Horners.


Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

November 2010 Message from the Guildmaster

November 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Members and non-members viewing this website, it is coming sooner than you think.  In fact it is here!

We have a new blog for members and a HCH Classified Section.  Thanks to the Publications Committee and the Webmaster, Rick Sheets, members are able to advertise their work to all who are viewing our website.

In addition to the Classified Section, members who have their own website, our links section is also   available to you.  Submit your information to the Webmaster and Rick will add you and your link.

If you are a member of the HCH and would like to have an electronic copy of our membership list, it is available upon request from our Membership Chairman John Shorb at  In addition, please keep all information such as addresses, phone numbers and emails current.  We are also asking all members if you have an email address, please forward it to John.  The more emails we have, the easier it is to control the flow of information
to all. Thanks for your assistance.

Best regards,
Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

"One cannot have enough horn."

October 2010 Message from the Guildmaster

October 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Don't be a horn weasel!

Do you consider yourself a member of the HCH in good standing? Before you answer that question, consider the following: Good standing means more than just paying your dues on time, it also takes into account Standing Rule No. 2 of our By-Laws, HCH ETHICS, that read as follows:

1. Members will never knowingly misrepresent a new or contemporary item as an original antique.

2. Members will make every reasonable effort to permanently mark their current work, clearly identifying themselves as the maker with the year of manufacture, to keep the piece from being misrepresented in the future.

3. Members will not misrepresent or mark with their name or logo on any work that is not of their manufacture.

4. Members will always represent their skill level in the Guild in accordance to the regulations set forth in Standing Rule No. 1

5. Only current Executive Committee members, the current Guildmaster, or members specifically designated by the current Guildmaster may make official statements of the HCH policy.

6. Members will treat all patrons with respect and deal with them fairly and honestly.

7. Whereas, the conduct of one member of the Honourable Company of Horners is a reflection on the guild as a whole, vigilance must be used to avoid situations where the reputation of the HCH is called into question.

We cannot maintain a reputation by resting on our laurels alone, WE MUST EARN IT!


Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

“The Hartley Horn Drawings” Publication is now available!

August 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

The Rebben Smith Horn, an excerpt from "The Hartley Horn Drawings."

It is with great pride that I am able to present to our members and the general public the publication of the Honourable Company of Horners, “The Hartley Horn Drawings.”

I can remember part of its beginning at our annual meeting banquet in Deerfield, MA., March 2007, when Frank Willis collected monies to start the project.

On Page 79 of the publication all sponsors plus individuals, institutions and organizations who contributed to its content are listed. Thanks to all.

In addition, I would like to personally thank the following members for their many hours of dedication which made this happen, Gary LaGuire, John Proud, Frank Willis and Russell Young. I am sure that they are feeling self gratification and a sure sense of relief.

This publication is now officially available for purchase.  Bill Scurlock of Scurlock Publishing has made that possible. Please follow this link to Scurlock Publishing where you can order the book online.

This is a must have book for all horners and copies are limited.


Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

August 2010 Message from the Guildmaster

August 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Dixon’s Gunmakers Fair of 2010 is now history and the Honourable Company of Horners was well represented. At the accoutrement judging, a total of twenty Judges Choice ribbons were awarded and Guild members achieved twelve. There were five ribbons awarded in special categories and Guild members received three, Best Historical, Best Folk Art and Madison Grant. Job well done!

Congratulations to David D. Miller of Mercer, PA on his advancement from Freeman to Journeyman while attending the Gunmakers Fair at Dixons’s. Dave had five horn objects juried according to the Honourable Company of Horners By-Laws, by the Awards Committee.

The theme of this years table display at Dixon’s was “Horn Objects” and it was well represented, including a weasel carved out of horn.

On Friday evening, just over 100 members and their guests attended the 6th annual summer reception at the grounds of the Jacobsburg Historical Society located in Belfast, PA.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU goes out to the following members who gave unselfishly of their show time to help man the HCH display table at Dixon’s:

Glenn BEALL, Libertyville, IL
Charlie DAVIS, Meadville, PA
Jim ENLOE, Mount Vernon, OH
Mike KARKALLA, Sewickly, PA
Harry KEPPLER, Upper Marlboro, MD
Ed McDILDA, Mt. Holly Springs, PA
Terry MISSANT, Harper Woods, MI
Scott MORRISON, Keizer, OR
Mike MORSE, Smithfield, VA
Steve PRESSMAN, South Euclid, OH
Mark PRESTON, Estero, FL
Todd SEARLE, Andover, NY

Special thanks is also extened to the members who were gracious enough to have their horn objects displayed at the HCH table.

I truly appreciated everyone’s input and assistance,

Ed Long

Accouterments already juried. Dixon's 2010

July 2010 Message from the Guildmaster

June 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

July 4th, 1776, Independence Day
Independence: “ the state or quality of being independent;  freedom from the influence, control, or determination of another or others.”

We owe this to our ancestors that we continue to pass it on to future generations.

Ed Long with his grandaughter.

Dixon’s is rapidly approaching and so is the deadline date of July 13th to RSVP for the Summer Reception.  Let’s make this an event to remember.  Looking forward to seeing everyone there. >>Click Here to read the announcement of the Summer Reception.

I also wanted to mention that the theme for the HCH table display at Dixon’s will be “Horn Objects” and all members are encouraged to bring an object made from horn other than a powder horn.  Some examples  include, horn boxes, broaches, portable ink wells, combs, spoons, cups etc. It can be reproduction or original.  The items will be on display for the entire show and owners should claim at the closing.

Did you forget tickets for the raffle that will be held at Dixon’s?  You could win a Southern style powder horn, bag and accouterments.  They are all made by craftsmen from the South. The good news is that you can participate in raffle by purchasing tickets from this website and you do not have be present to win.  >>Click Here to get your raffle tickets.


Ed Long

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