Tuesday, March 11, 2025

January 2012 Message from the Guildmaster

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster


The Honourable Company of Horners is again saddened to learn of the passing of another great horn worker and supplier of horn, John Plybon. John was truly a pioneer in horn work and was the first recipient of the Guild’s prestigious “Lanthorn Award”. We offer our condolences to the Plybon family who are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you John and thank you for your contribution, may you rest in peace.

Another year has rapidly passed and all members should be gearing up for our big event, the 2012 Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held March 2nd and 3rd, at the USAHEC in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

This year, due to our nation’s economic times, members planning to attend will not be charged a registration fee for our annual meeting; the Guild will absorb the registration fee. However your dues for 2012 must be current to gain entrance. Display tables will be $10.00 each, we are limited to 36. The cost for the banquet will be $30.00 per person.

The main theme will be centered around education, with hands on work stations manned by Master Horners assisted by Journeymen. All phases of work will be covered from the selection of raw horn for your particular project, to the finished item.
Listed are some of the events that will take place:

  • Freeman Cheryl Davidson will open ceremonies on Friday morning singing our National Anthem.
  • The Guild’s ceremonial blowing horn will be unveiled.
  • The blowing horn/drinking vessel contest will be judged.
  • The member’s annual horn contest will be held and judged on entries in Contemporary Engraved Horn, Traditional Engraved Horn, Carved Horn, plus Horn and Bag and Horn Objects.
  • The Guild’s horn and bag for raffle, donated by GM Elect Jeff Bibb and Publications Chair Billy Griner, will be on display.
  • All members registering will have their name placed in a drawing for a special door prize, a beautiful adjustable powder measure turned from horn, donated by Freeman Dave Rase.
  • There will be a display table of original blowing horns.
  • Our Spring Pole Lathe will be on display and demonstrated.
  • Members will have their hornware and related items on display.

The annual business meeting will be held Friday morning. The banquet will be Saturday evening and in addition to the meal there will be an Awards Ceremony with a special guest speaker. The event will conclude with the Passing of the Horn followed by Freeman Davidson singing God Bless America.

All members attending are encouraged to dress in 18th, early 19th Century attire throughout the event including the banquet. Members acquiring display tables are requested to refrain from the sales of imported items; however, they may be part of an educational display and identified as such. Examples include, a bowl made in India or spoon made in China, etc. Display area will be open to visitors at no charge.

In the upcoming week there will be a separate mailing to all members to include a registration form for return to our Treasurer.

In parting, I would like to congratulate Freeman Carl Dumke and Jim Leach on their recent advancement to Journeyman.

Best Regards,
Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

Carl Dumke Journeyman, Roland Cadle Master Horner and Jim Leach Journeyman



One Response to “January 2012 Message from the Guildmaster”
  1. James Leach says:

    Billy Griner and I will be setting up and manning a display table of antique/original blowing/hunting horns at the March 2 &3, 2012 annual meeting at Carlisle.
    If you have an original blowing/hunting horn please bring it and place on table for all members to see. If you can it, bring it. I personally know very little on blowing horns and this will further my education. The Horn Book guys might take pictures of the most common/unique ones for future articles.
    If you have any history on the horn, bring that too. Hopefully we can all benefit from this group effort.
    Thanks very much,
    James Leach

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