July 1, 2011 by Ed Long
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster
Is it that time again? You bet! Just a few weeks away, Dixon’s Gunmakers Fair, the event we all look forward to year after year. During the evening on the first day of the fair, the HCH will hold the 7th Annual Summer Reception at Jacobsburg Historical Society. A letter has been sent to all members with the details. If you plan to attend the summer reception, the deadline for RSVP is July 18th, 2011.
The theme for this year’s HCH table is, “The Engraved Powder Horn.” Members are encouraged to bring their best contemporary or traditional engraved powder horn for display. The horns will remain on display throughout the show and should be claimed by their owners at the end.
Volunteers will be needed to help man the HCH table. If you can help out, please check in at the HCH table upon your arrival. A schedule will be made so we can divide the time evenly.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the Gunmakers Fair and summer reception!
Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster
P.S. Hopefully, you have received a letter about the HCH 7th Annual Summer Reception.
If you missed it, download it here.-E.L.

Gathering at the Judge's Table at Dixon's Gunmakers Fair.
Is it possible at the Carlisle meeting next March to ask people to bring their original blowing horns for viewing and documenting by members of the guild?
I loved the Tom Ames article and if we could get some other examples for future articles in the Horn book or even enough for a Scurlock published book on blowing horn types by region that would be great.
Perhaps two tables dedicated to this and someone in the guild that has the equipment and skills to take pictures and someone to document a common description of each horn – length, width, engraving, mouth shape, left or right hand, location found and date.
I volunteer to man the booth take notes or whatever.
I for one know very little about them.
Thank you,
James Leach