Tuesday, March 11, 2025

June 2011 Message From the Guildmaster

June 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Attention all members of the Honourable Company of Horners; would you like to become a permanent part of the Guild’s history? If so, then consider participating in this prestigious Guild contest.  The contest will be open to all members in good standing and judging will take place at our 2012 Annual Meeting. Contestants need not attend the meeting to submit their entry. The contest consists of two categories; blowing horn strap and drinking vessel. The strap is needed for the Guild’s blowing horn, and the drinking vessel will be used by the Guildmaster at each annual meeting for the purpose of presenting a toast.

The strap will hold small metal plaques with the names of past and present Guildmasters.  The blowing horn is predominately black and will be embellished in silver. This will be something to keep in mind when constructing the strap.

The second part of the contest, the drinking vessel, must be made from horn with metal, wood, or other embellishments permitted.

All entrants will receive acknowledgment for their entries.  Winners in each category will receive a certificate acknowledging their work. Winners and spouses will also be guests of the Guild at the banquet.  You may enter one item per category.  All items submitted will become property of the Guild and those not selected as a winner, will either be retained or raffled as a Guild fundraiser.

If you are interested in entering this contest or have questions please use the “CONTACT US” section on our web site.

Thank you and please consider getting involved with your organization.

Ed Long, Guildmaster

Here is a picture of the HCH Blowing Horn. It is a collaborative effort of our Guild’s Founder and Master Horner, Roland Cadle and Master Horner Art DeCamp. It is truly a graceful horn. Once the embellishment is completed by Master Horner John Kiselica, this ceremonial horn will be in a class by itself!
I will keep the Guild posted on the progress of this truly one-of-a-kind horn.

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