May 2011 Message From the Guildmaster
May 7, 2011 by Ed Long
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

We enjoyed seeing this original horn by the Pointed Tree Carver.
Free to all members of the Guild! Yes, there is free advertisement on the HCH website under the Classified Section.
Members I urge you to consider taking advantage of this opportunity. Check out the categories, open to horn work, antique and contemporary, artwork, books, edged items, leather items, firearms pre-1898 and miscellaneous. You can submit up to four photographs along with a complete description and the asking price. If you are unable to submit a photograph, then you will need a detailed description of each item. There is fine workmanship of horns on the HCH members Gallery; perhaps their makers will have others available for the HCH Classified Section. Purchasing from the HCH Classifieds is available to all viewers of this website.
Speaking of wonderful 18th Century items, I recently attended the 18th Century Market Fair at Fort Frederick in Maryland and was amazed at the quality of work. This fair is attended by some of the finest craftsmen in the country. Blacksmiths, gunsmiths, horners, tinsmiths, tentmakers, leather goods, furniture, and pottery were just a few of the crafts displayed. If you couldn’t find what you wanted or needed here, you may not find it at all. The Market Fair is usually held around the last weekend in April of each year. If you are in the area, or you are in the need of some quality 18th Century items, plan on attending in 2012.
Best regards,
Ed Long, Guildmaster
Honourable Company of Horners
I too attended Ft Frederick and despite some liquid sunshine a good time was had by all. I saw Ed Long, Sparks Mumma, John Proud, Erv Tschantz and others from our guild and craft in attendance and doing what we do best. I too encourage anyone who can to attend this event. It may drain the coffers a bit but finer quality items can not be found amassed in one place such as here.
Regards, John DeWald
Honourable Company of Horners
Hello —
It was a pleasure to see John Proud at the opening lecture for the exhibit, ‘Drawn to the Same Place: The Mohawk Valley Drawings of Rufus Grider and Fritz Vogt.’
I wanted to let you know there is now a FaceBook page/blog, updated every other day, for those interested in the work of Rufus Grider … called Rufus Grider 1817-1900 … And, that there are more than 16 of his fabulous FW and REV period powder-horn drawings — from the N-Y Historical Society, and displayed for the first time ever — now on view at the Arkell Museum in Canajoharie, NY until August 14. Would love it if you’d pass this along to friends who might like to know! Thanks, Alice May 16, 2011