Tuesday, March 11, 2025

November 2011 Message from The Guildmaster

November 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

Jim Dresslar, The Engraved Powder Horn

The Honourable Company of Horners is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of a true icon for horn workers, collectors and enthusiasts alike; Jim Dresslar.

We offer our condolences to the Dresslar family who are in our thoughts and prayers.  Jim certainly paved the way for all horners with his book; “The Engraved Powder Horn.” I myself have worn one out for the use of research.

God Bless and thank you Jim, may you rest in peace.

Our 2012 Annual meeting will be held March 2nd and 3rd, 2012 at the Army Heritage Education Center in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.  The details will be reported in this column and in the Guild’s Horn Book as they unfold.  This promises to be the best annual event ever.

It is still not too late to enter our Horn Strap/Drinking Vessel contest.  All items for entry should be submitted to me by January 31st, 2012.  We need more members getting involved in this contest.  Don’t forget, there are some great prizes and a chance for you to be a permanent part of Guild’s history.

In two weeks, the Executive Committee and Chairs will be holding its first ever exclusive fall meeting.  Some very important HCH issues will be up for discussion, including the Guild’s by-laws.

On a final note, I would like to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Best Regards,
Ed Long
HCH Guildmaster

Feel free to leave a comment below about Jim Dresslar. He will certainly be missed.


7 Responses to “November 2011 Message from The Guildmaster”
  1. Billy Griner says:

    Jim Dressler’s passing will have a lasting effect on all who knew him, especially those who knew him personally. The Horner Community has lost not only a fine scholar and masterful collector, but also a wonderful and giving friend. He will be missed.

  2. John DeWald says:

    I can remember leafing through “The Engraved Powder Horn” as a young lad struggling to understand what this horning thing was all about. Through the years I have come to understand the enormous amount of work Jim did for the sake of preserving history. He will be sorely missed.

  3. John Rummel says:

    I was saddened to hear of Jim’s passing. I have known him for several years and always enjoyed talking with him during visits to his museum and house. He had a premier collection of historic Americana and American Indian art, and I consider it and honor and privilege to have known him.

  4. John Proud says:

    I had the pleasure of meeting Jim for the first time at our HCH annual meeting at Old Bedford Village in 2002. In 2004, as Guildmaster, Jim and Carolyn graciously invited all members to see their collection and enjoy an evening social at their home. It was a relaxing, entertaining and educational meeting. Since that meeting Jim and I had several discussions about a French and Indian War horn engraver that we shared a common interest in. It is hard for me to imagine a man more willing to share his collection, knowledge and hospitality. I will remember him fondly.

  5. Scott Morrison says:

    Jim’s book, “The Engraved Powder Horn” was the first reference material I obtained after I started making horns. I read and studied every page, every photograph in that book finding inspiration in a detail of engraving here or the placement of a neck ring there. Like Ed, my copy is starting to show the wear of use. Thank you Jim for your work. You will be missed.

  6. Sharon Cunningham says:

    Good ol’ Jimmy! Everyone who knew him will certainly miss this gentleman. I was lucky to have been asked to edit his book, Folk Art of Early America: The Engraved Powder Horn, and to have worked closely with JIm, David Wright and Dave Wesbrook. This book will be a permanent tribute to a man who loved and collected engraved powder horns and who shared them with the rest of us…. Goodbye, Jim.

    Sharon Cunningham

  7. Mike Karkalla says:

    I first met M.r Dressler at the Bedford Village show. One look at his new book at the time had me hooked!!! Even better he had about ten horns from his collection on hand. “Pick one up.” he said! As I looked it over, he said, ” “Human hands need to touch these things. If you don’t they continue to die!!!” At that time I did not understand. I’ll always remember those words. The meaning has two fold. Allowing makers to see and feel engraved horns so they can be reproduced and; the human touch adds the oils horn needs to stay viable. No gloves reqiured!!! Thanks for all the memories and rest in peace old friend… MK

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