Tuesday, March 11, 2025

October 2011 Message from The Guildmaster

October 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster


Members of the Honourable Company of Horners; there is a prize update for our blowing horn strap and drinking vessel contest.  Winners in each category will receive:

  • A $100 cash prize
  • A hard copy edition of the Hartley Book
  • A certificate of achievement
  • And be honored guests of the Guild, along with their spouse, at our 2012 Annual Meeting and banquet in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Just a reminder, time is running out on this contest.  The deadline to submit your entry to the Guildmaster is January 31st, 2012.  We need more items for submission, to date there have been no drinking vessel entries.

As mentioned in my June 2011 message, this is a once in a lifetime venture, both winning items will become a permanent part of Guild ceremonies for generations to come.

Here is an important note about the contest; the strap dimensions and design criteria for the drinking vessel were purposely left vague so that no one’s creativity would be constrained.  Your creativity will be factored into the judging.

I am asking that you consider getting involved in this contest; the overall success will be in the best interest of future Guild operations.  Remember you need not be present at the 2012 Annual Meeting to win!  We are looking forward to more entries to spice this up.  Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.


Ed Long,
HCH Guildmaster

I thought you would enjoy a casual photograph of some of the original powder horns in Historic Deerfield’s extensive collection. Here is a link to their website.

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