Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Special Message. The 2012 Annual Meeting and Contest Update.

November 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Message from the Guildmaster

About Our 2012 Annual Meeting

The Honourable Company of Horners 2012 Annual Meeting will be held at the Army Heritage Education Center in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.  The dates for the meeting are, Friday March 2nd and Saturday March 3rd, 2012 with an early set-up on Thursday March 1st.
A block of rooms will be set aside at the Days Inn, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.  When making your reservation, mention “horn guild” and you will receive a special discounted rate.  There are other motels in the area which will be listed in future announcements.

>>Here is the link for the Days Inn in Carlisle.<<

Horn Strap/Drinking Vessel Contest Update

Only the winning strap and the winning drinking vessel will be permanently retained by the Guild, all other entries will not become property of the Guild and may be retained by the entrant.  The deadline for submission of items has been extended to the end of February 2012.  If you are coming to the meeting bring the item with you, if you cannot attend mail the item to me and I will bring it for you.

If you intend to participate, and haven’t already done so, please let me know by using our >>Contact Us form.<< Thank You.

Best regards to all,

Ed Long

HCH Guildmaster


One Response to “Special Message. The 2012 Annual Meeting and Contest Update.”
  1. Henry G. Frank says:

    Mr. Long
    With the horn cup contest coming up I would like to say a few words.
    I would hope that this event would be an annual affair.
    My entry is not up to my standards and I would like to be able to redeem myself.
    For me it is so hard to find the right kind of horn to make the kind of cups I make.
    Also,I would like to donate my entry to be auctioned off with the moneys going to the guild.
    Henry G. Frank

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